Wednesday, February 24, 2010

55 - SBG

Sweet Baby Girl - that is what we have always called her. It is hard to remember the tiny chew machine we brought home 7 years ago, way back when she was cute for a reason. (I contend that God makes some things cute so we don't kill 'em) I am not sure when it happened, but somewhere along the line, she turned into a wonderful dog. She has always had the sweetest temperment, but she has also grown loyal, patient, and loving. She is the BEST running partner, never complaining about the weather, the pace or the distance. She does complain, however, if I try to skip a run! I love her, plain and simple, and my life is enriched because she is a part of it.


  1. She is beautiful Brenda. One can really feel the love you have for her through your words.

  2. Yeah, there definitely is a long period of suffering with a puppy to get a good dog. Totally worth it in the end though. She's a beauty!
