Saturday, February 20, 2010

51 - Mancakes

#3 had a pancake breakfast this morning at school which I volunteered to help with. This is our first year in the public school system, so I was actually very excited to meet some new moms and get to know the school better. It was a good time thanks to these guys.
Mr. Incredible brought the boys to eat and decided that THIS was a much better way to make pancakes.
Anytime you can use a power drill and drywall mud spatula he is going to like it! He also liked the clean-up aspect of it…orange paint bucket and hose…much better than the ordeal the other weekend :0)
and let’s face it, anytime you have a meal that requires THIS much syrup, is it possible for it to be bad?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is some serious syrup!

    Did you homeschool before or did your boys go to a private school?
