Sunday, February 14, 2010

44 - Shopping

Today was shopping day. Just a brief look into what my family eats in a two week period. Took this shot after we got back from Costco. Keep in mind I still had to go to Aldi and Walmart.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya girlfriend! Having 2 boys and a girl, I always thought that the boys would be the ones to eat me out of house and home. Wrong! They are very picky like me, but the daughter is a bottomless pit, like her dad! Then to top it off she is as skinny as you can get. What a brat! LOL

    Of course, food is also a lot more expensive here. That was really the only shock we had when we moved to Alaska. Things I paid .99 cents for in WA are now anywhere from 1.50-2.00!
