Sunday, January 10, 2010

10 - Come On Baby Light My Fire

Yahoo! I am mostly back on my feet, still not up to eating too much, but really...that's okay. I have been looking at Michelle's great macro work here and have been inspired to give it a go this week. I also loved Laura's fire pics here, so as I was standing in the kitchen with #3 making bread this afternoon, I decided to get some shots of the candle on the counter. Just about the time I was ready to give up getting a good shot with the ol' point and shoot, I got these - not perfect, but really not bad for this camera. Anyone with a p&s got any tips for "forcing" a focus?


  1. WOW - that second shot really pops! Love the macro work! (The only trick I know about focusing a P&S (and you probably already do this) is when you put the center of the viewfinder on your subject, push the shutter button halfway and KEEP holding it while you move and recompose the photo...that should allow the focus to be off center, etc....that also helps the camera snap the photo faster.) Good luck.)

  2. I lioke the second one too. All the different colors in the flame are beautiful! Glad you are feeling better!
