Tuesday, June 8, 2010

159 - Laying It Down

Today was sod day. We have been fighting the rain the past few days, and so the weather as preatty much cooperated. One of the landscape companys that MI works with offered us sod at a great price. We were going to use the "backend" of a load that they were pretty sure they wouldn't need all of. As it turns out, they did. So this morning, the owner called MI and told him that he was going to send his guys out for a special load just for us, but they could not cut in the rain. We were so blessed in that the storms went to the North and South of the field and we got our grass! A little bit of rain fell on us as we laid it (and when I say we, I mean MI and a bunch of guys, while I watched!) and that was not a bad thing.

We also expanded the patio today. We found stones to match their old ones and it is a good thing #3 was there to help us with the puzzle!


  1. Call me crazy but I love laying sod! These guys did a fantastic job and I love that you've been keeping track of the progress.
